Through all of my travels, besides my time in Short Pump, VA with my old youth pastor, this time in
Voronezh was the most spiritually refreshing.
I traveled to Voronesh to visit a couple who I had met at the Conference for children at risk.
Peter majored in youth ministry and started an Masters of Divinity program. At some point along the way, he met Masha. They got married and felt called to
Voronezh is on a tributary of the river Don. Many bridges connect the two sides of the city.
Peter and Masha started a ministry called OrphanGrad. Their work is gauged towards orphan graduates and village kids who were studying at the local technical schools.
These kids were the toughest of the tough. No one was working with them.
For several years, Peter strived to implement all of the programs and knowledge that he learned in school.
Nothing seemed to work.
Some kids made professions of faith, but their lives did not change.
Finally, they gave up.
They were getting burned out.
They needed a new plan.
Honestly, I have never been apart of such a ministry.
They totally changed their approach. Their daily regiment looks something like this.
First of all, they sleep in.
After they get up at about 10, they eat and spend two or more hours in devotion, worship and time with the Lord.
Then they have some of the people in their live in program come over and they have a devotion and some more worship.
After waiting on the Lord all morning to show them what to do, they then go out and do whatever it is the Lord was saying.
Every night of the week, they spend with the kids from the technical schools.
They follow the Lords call as far as what activities to do.
I was shocked and amazed at this format of ministry.
This goes almost directly against what I was taught through my Christian Education Minor.
I am used to management and SWAT analysis partnered with preparation.
I was bless to see believer trusting in the Lord at such a deep level. Kids lives are being changed.
Kids who used to huff glue and worship Satan are now striving to know Jesus as a personal friend.

One afternoon, Peter, one of his assistants, and I went out to find a young man who was starting to make changes in his life. Egor had missed several meetings and the Orphangrad ministry did not know where he was. The three of us set out to find him. He was rumored to be staying with his grandmother. We headed in that direction. When we arrived, Egor was home. He was waiting for his grandmother to come home from court. His brother had been arrested for missing parole. This was a great opportunity to pray with Egor and his grandmother. Egor has stuggled with addiction for many years. We encouraged him to stop using and pursue Christ.
While I was in
Voronezh we celebrated thanksgiving.
I have celebrated many thanksgivings in
None were quite like this one.
This family invited over all of the kids who have made significant decisions for Christ.
All in all, we had about 12 people for this feast.
Having lived in Russia for many years, I know that my family struggled to find turkeys. So much so that we hand carried them to Russia in our carry-ons. I guess they do not have this problem in Voronezh. Early on thanksgiving day, Peter and I set out to purchase a turkey. Sure enough,they were selling several dead birds at the local market.
Thanksgiving in Voronezh!We had stuffing, mashed potatoes and many other delicacies.
What I remember most from this night will be then time of thanksgiving.
We went around the table and said several things we are thankful for.
Now, in my family we do this every year as well.
I blessed by the candid answers of the orphans.

Thanksgiving was also another monumentous moment. I took my my last shower for many many days!!